
every month at ddb, a lunch & learn seminar is introduced to engage industry professionals by inviting an acclaimed figure from the design industry to inspire and influence.
to capture a perspective lecturer we sent a direct mailer with a brain and an apron, characterising the speaker to be a master chef of a ceremony. attendees were sent an edm invitation of a cookbook devoted to the speaker featuring captivating gastronomic meats and ingredients. the books are then stored with a video of the speech located in a library of master chefs.


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in 1903, gustave eiffel set out to design one of the longest bridges in asia, and with the aid of 3000 workers achieved one of the world’s great civil-engineering masterpieces. cognac gustave was designed to re-define entry-level cognac to a younger generation. the architecture of gustave eiffel was designed to encompass the identity and packaging, working as an independent piece on its own and an architectural structure when placed together.  with it’s success, gustave xo, a superior grade of cognac was created inspired from le grand palais.


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